I. First things first, darlings! The winner of the Alex Keller Pearls and Roses necklace is the lovely Maria of Lulu Letty... Congrats, darling!
II. 10 Things You May Not Know About CC
Tagged by lovely Fellow Fashionista Le Journal de Mode to list 10 Things You May Not Know about CC:
1) I worship Vogue. I take a full day off of work when my September issue arrives. Can’t wait to see that movie, btw!2) I have huge feet, which does not stop me from wearing fierce heels like these Balmain boots from net-a-porter.com.
3) I am a rabid overdresser. Vogue, May 2004.
4) I hardly ever wear makeup. Photo courtesy Fellow Fashionista Fashion Pulse.
5) I am the eldest of five children. (No, not all girls; I just like this image from Vogue.)
6) I loves me a dirty martini with lots of olives! That’s CC on the left and gorgeous NYC pal Jamie on the right.
7) I have been engaged twice but never married. French Vogue, April 2006.
8) I love to swim. I even played water polo in college! W, July 2008.
9) I was an Art History and Spanish major as an undergraduate at Emory University. Vogue, February 2009.
10) I adore both classical architecture and bathing suits! Italian Vogue, June 2004.

Tagged by the fabulous Miss Chelle to state that CC is happiest whenever...
1) the postman delivers a lovely package, like the one I just received from theOutnet.com containing this fantastic Single abstract-print dress!

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