Monday, November 22, 2010

A Stud for All Seasons...

Darlings, tis’ the season to be jolly they say, but tis’ also the season to be cold! So women across the land are thanking god for online retail this winter and the fact that we can now pretty much do (read: buy!) anything from home, cuddled up in UGGs with a nice cup of tea, or mulled wine—as you wish. clearly knows how it’s done as they decided to organise “Fashion’s Night In” this year – the online version of their already famous Fashion’s Night Out. A whole host of online retailers showed their wears and brought the concept of online shopping to the fore of our winter minds as we clicked away from the comfort of our homes. Purrrrfection. Seventy Seven Diamonds had a run on daisy, pear and heart-shaped studs proving that as the song may be winter outside...but in my heart its spring. Indeed it’s unsurprising that women want a little memento of the warmer months when it gets chilly...and while you can’t wear linen post-September and have to put aside your canvas are indeed forever...and whether daisy or snowflake-shaped, a great pair of stud earrings will remain visible above the mountain of polo necks and scarves....and put the spring back in bling!




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