Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Interview with Fellow Fashionista Audrey of "Frassy"

5 Questions for Style Writer Audrey Leighton, an English Literature major at Durham University

CC met Fellow Fashionista Audrey on blogger and is pleased and honored to share with you an interview with the stylish young writer . . . Keep an eye on this gal, as CC knows she is going places!!

1. You are bilingual (as am I). How did you learn your second language?
I have lived in Spain for 8 years and was forced into first language Spanish classes from day one. So it just rolled from there.

2. What are the best and worst parts of working at a newspaper?
The best part about working at a newspaper is the actual writing of articles. It is so satisfying opening the paper and seeing my style section exactly the way I had imagined it in my head. The worst part, hmm maybe distribution, where we as, newspaper staff stand outside in the cold on the streets and hand out papers to students. It is fun for a little while but then the cold creeps into your bones and you just want to go inside!

3. Let's talk fashion: What are your top 5 dream picks for fall (money is no object)?
5 dream picks for fall would be: Jimmy Choo's Fringed Suede Boots, Tomato Red Feather Bustier Dress by Alexander McQueen (for formal events), the Prada lace dress, an Alberti Ferretti Purple Coat, and the Hermes Paisley bag. If only I could actually afford to buy these five beauties!

4. How did your interest in style evolve and who are your primary fashion influences?
My interest evolved from Zara, the fashion shop. I went in there with my mother when I was twelve and I was pretty much mesmerized. Soon enough, all my money was being spent on clothes and now I am a full-fledged addict. My primary fashion influences are Sienna Miller, Nicole Richie...I like girls who pull off style in a casual, quirky way. Street-style is the most inspirational and many ideas have developed from pictures on the Sartorialist or hel-looks.

5. Where were you ten years ago, and where do you see yourself ten years hence?
Ten years ago I was 9, so I was probably collecting stickers and playing with beanie babies. lol. Ten years from now I'd love to be in a job at Vogue or any acclaimed fashion magazine. I would also love to have finished my novel and maybe have an apartment in Paris.

Check out Audrey’s blog, Frassy, at . . . Audrey interviewed CC, too!

And don't worry, darlings, I haven't abandoned the ABCs of fall fashion - today's post, "A is for Armadillo" can be found below!



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